Baltic Sea Art Park
international competition
Organizer: Union of Estonia Architects, The
Museum of New Art, Pärnu Town Government
Location: Estonia
Participation: International
Announced: 01.07.2013
Q/A deadline: 09.10.2013
Registration deadline: 10.10.2013
Submission deadline: 10.10.2013 16:00
Winners announcement date: 15.11.2013
Baltic Sea Art Park will be built in Pärnu
The Museum of New Art, in cooperation with
the Union of Estonian Architects and Pärnu
City Government, announced an international
architectural competition on 1 July, to
establish the Baltic Sea Art Park in Pärnu.
The objective of the competition is to find
the best vision in terms of architecture and
planning to further develop the art park of
the Baltic Sea countries. The deadline for
entries is 10 October 2013, and the winners
shall be announced on 15 November 2013. The
competition prize fund is EUR 12,000.
The Baltic Sea Art Park shall be located in
the City of Pärnu, on the left shore of the
Pärnu River, in the immediate proximity of
the historical Suursild, the only car bridge
in the city centre. According to initial
plans, the folk art of sea countries and
masterpieces of professional creators shall
be exhibited. Ten countries located on the
shores of our common sea are represented:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland,
Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, along
with autonomous Aland.
According to architect Jaak Huimerind’s
idea, the pavilions should be ships or
vessels and according to the competition
terms the floating pavilions shall be built
as mobile structures, so that they could be
hauled to Talvesadam when it gets cold.
“We started to like the idea of pavilions
going onto water because, as it is a theme
park for Baltic Sea countries, the sea and
river are perfect for this. If exhibition
pavilions are mobile, they could be
transported to Kihnu, Haapsalu, or even
Riga, if necessary, thus providing
additional value to the exhibition,” said
Mark Soosaar, Head of the Museum of New Art,
who has developed the idea of a Baltic Sea
Art Park over a long period of time with
like-minded people.
According to the current vision, the Baltic
Sea Art Park will be established in two
parts. An aboveground part with public
buildings and an above-water part with ten
national floating pavilions. During the
vision competition, a spatial solution
should be found for the park at the upper
stream side of the Suursild, as well as the
garages and the historical granite pier
area, and the architectural sketch solution
for the main building on dry land should be
submitted together with a draft for one
exhibition pavilion located on water.
You will find more
information about the competition