Joint exhibition of the Association of Estonian Printmakers and the Estonian Sculptors’ Union
at the Museum of New Art
Oct, 21th – Dec, 3th 2023
We rush onwards on the highway of information with thousands of signposts, directions and ideologies to choose. Everyone of us can produce ideas and send them all over the world in a moment. True and false aren’t distinguishable anymore. Contradictory messages fight in their own way, seceding themselves from the messenger and also reality. For hundreds of years, the importance of a message has been emphasised through printing and reproduction, and molded into stone. Now, messages come with a click, some of them plink and make sounds! Do they emerge from the mottled information noise or would be a message cast in iron and framed be better noticed?
Apart from some other art forms, graphic art as poeticized and circulated flyer can spread its message simultaneously in several places.
Ideologies fight through art. Cancellation of the hostile and favour of the circulating truths – art is the tool of society.
Through history, sculpture has been the building stone of power. A monument can be seen from distance, showing mentality. The skills of an artist serve a wider goal and depending on circumstances, the position of the author is either set by someone or more free. Creating large scale sculptures, the present conditions have to be kept in mind. How free is creation actually in the public space of a free country?
The exhibition analyses the meaning and efficiency of artistic message and the role of an artist in forming ideologies. The border of monuments and flyers is hazy and sculpture and graphic art meet within material – they approach each other ideologically as well as physically.
Participating graphic artists: Evi Tihemets, Enno Ootsing, Kalli Kalde, Mirja-Mari Smidt, Eve Eesmaa, Anu Juurak, Reti Saks, Maria-Kristiina Ulas, Sirje Eelma, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Marilyn Piirsalu, Angela Soop, Mark Antonius Puhkan, Liis Tedre, Lembe Ruben, Inga Heamägi, Evelyn Grzinich, Ly Lestberg, Kristina Paabus, Toomas Kuusing, Kelli Valk, Virge Jõekalda, Loit Jõekalda.
Participating sculptors: Elo Liiv, Rait Prääts, Aime Kuulbusch, Paul Mänd, Simson Seakülast, Silja Truus, Gea Sibola-Hansen, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Mari-Liis Tammi-Kelder, Kalle-Priit Pruuden, Bruno Kadak, Eneken Maripuu, Piret Meos Uibotalo, Vergo Vernik, Berit Talpsepp-Jaanisoo, Per Petersen, Ahti Seppet, Leena Kuutma, Art Allmäg.
Curators Leena Kuutma and Lembe Ruben
Conception and graphic design Lembe Ruben
Design of the exhibition: Leena Kuutma and Lembe Ruben
Many thanks: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Association of Estonian Printmakers, Estonian Sculptors’ Union