About the collection of the Museum of New Art
In 1996, the cornerstone was laid for the collection of the Museum of New Art. Puerto Rican graphic artist Martin Garcia Rivera made the first donation. He donated all his large-scale woodcuts "Lati-dos" to the museum after performing at the nude exhibition MAN and WOMAN. The first gift had a symbolic meaning, giving direction to all subsequent collecting activities that value the core values of indigenous art from generation to generation. And not only that. Innovative form searches, developments of already collected topics by more and more new creators have also been the basis for supplementing the collections. For example, after acquiring the photo production "Holy Communion" from the Swedish artist Elisabeth Ohlson in 1998 with the support of the Cultural Endowment, we bought Peeter Laurits's large-scale vision of Christ's last supper with his disciples in the middle of modern commercial props. The exhibition of these two works, together with Peeter Mudist's latest major painting, The Doctrine of the Faith (2002), creates a separate narrative from our time. The museum's collection began to grow strongly in 1998 when we were visited by the well-known British poet, photographer, and art historian Edward Lucie-Smith, who soon became the chief expert of our art collection. Thanks to his international authority and on several occasions the curation of the exhibition MAN and WOMAN, the UKM collection has been supplemented with many works by star artists such as Michael Kvium from Denmark, Pablo Picasso, Jean Rustin and Corneille from France, Yoko Ono, Mark Sadan, Jonathan Webb, Judy Chicago, Joel Peter Witkin and Kalev Mark Kostabi from the USA, Elina Brotherus and Viggo Wallensköld from Finland, Ivan Pinkava and art group Kamera Skura from the Czech Republic, Ruslan Vashkevich from Belarus, Michalis Manoussakis from Greece, Aurel Vlad from Romania, Tara Sosrowardoyo from Malaysia, Jose Mario Ansalone from Argentina and others.
Selection of works

Anu Raud (Estonia) wool, braid, 2003. Anu Raud: Your pattern, your land, your bird, your flight. New light, beginning of spring.

Johanna Mudist (Estonia) oil on canvas, 2017 Port of Pärnu, deposited with UKM.
Foreign artists whose works can be found in the UKM collection
Martin Garcia Rivera - Puerto Rico
Jean Rustin - France
Pablo Picasso - France
Corneille - France
Cristophe Urbejte - France
William Farges - France
Annick and Pierre Debien - France
Odd Nerdrum - Norway
Rafal Olbinski - Poland
Christoph Manuel Müller - Germany
Aurel Vlad - Romania
Edward Lucie-Smith - England
Lee Wagstaff - England
Tommy Mason - Scotland
Daniel de Chenu - Ireland
Michalis Manoussakis - Greece
Elisabeth Ohlson - Sweden
Annika Forstorp - Sweden
Kerstin Abram - Nilsson - Sweden
Anna-Maria Lorenzen - Chile / Sweden
Fateme Gosheh - Iran / Sweden
Christer Hamp Sweden
Jan Saudek - Czech Republic
Sarah Saudek - Czech Republic
Ivan Pinkava - Czech republic
Camera Skura - Czech Republic
Irene Domingues - Chile
Joel Peter Witkin - USA
Kalev Mark Kostabi - USA
Mark Sadan - USA
Yoko Ono - USA
Judy Chicago - USA
Jonathan Webb - USA
Genia Chef - USA
Jiivanii RedMarks - Jamaica
Elina Brotherus - Finland
Viggo Wallensköld - Finland
Tuomas Korkalo - Finland
Hannu Riikonen - Finland
Mika Vesalahti - Finland
Christoffer Relander - Finland
Michael Kvium - Denmark
Benny Rytter - Denmark
Alexander Mikhailchuk - Ukraine
Marina Škarupa - Ukraine
Igor Prokofiev - Ukraine
Ruslan Vashkevich - Belarus
Valentina Lyakhovich - Belarus
Vladimir Tsesler - Belarus
Valeri Slauk - Belarus
Andrei Stukin - Belarus
Anna Silivonchik - Belarus
Alexander Ivanov - Republic of Mari
Tara Sosrowardoyo - Malaysia
Jose Mario Ansalone - Argentina
Alessandra Barbierato - Brazil / Italy
Helgi Thordils Fridjönnsson - Iceland
Ans Markus - Netherlands
Peter Diem - Netherlands
Nico Koster - Netherlands
Lieve Ulburghs - Belgium
Cesar Izqureido - Guatemala
Romuldas Poþerskis - Lithuania
Gunars Binde - Latvia
We add pictures from our collection on an ongoing basis.
Estonian artists represented in the UKM collection
Jüri Arrak
Peeter Mudist
Kaljo Põllu
Enn Põldroos
Evald Okas
Ado Lill
Urmo Raus
Erik Haamer
Olga Terri
Jaan Elken
Uno Roosvalt
Mari Roosvalt
Leonhard Lapin
Raul Meel
Jüri Kask
Peeter Allik
Efraim Allsalu
Ilmar Malin
Eduard Wiiralt
Erich Pehap
Lauri Lihten-Haavel
Laur Tiidemann
Hille Palm
Ellen Kolk
Hannes Starkopf
Lembit Tolli
Vive Tolli
Kirke Kangro
Elo Liiv
Ilme Kuld
Riho Kuld
Nora Raba
Anu Raud
Aet Ollisaarv Epp Kärvet
Peeter Laurits
Andrus Joonas
Ly Lestberg
Bruno Sõmeri
Peeter Somelar
Avo Paistik
Leena Kuutma
Harry Jürgens
Evi Tihemets
Herald Eelma
Jaan Toomik
Kaupo Kikkas
Terje Talts
Mats Õun
Juss Piho
Aivar Kurvits
Tõnu Maarand
Lembit Palm
Aime Kuulbusch
Lauri Sutt
Sirje Runge
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