

Sven Začek – photos, Jaanus Ermann – silk paintings, Mark Soosaar – videos.

At the Museum of New Art

September, 4th – October, 6th, 2024

Why do some of us, people, fly in our dreams? Aren’t we successors of monkeys but the alates? Why do the peoples of Amazon and the rivers of Siberia still understand the language of birds and at which point did we lose that ability? When will every person be able to buy the wings of Karlsson and rise beneath the clouds?

The new exhibition of the Museum of New Art does not answer these questions but makes the pre-schoolers as well as anyone think. It will take a real school hour to enjoy the exhibition. So you’ll be able to delve into Sven Začek’s photos of one of the flighing virtuosos, the Ural owl, migratory birds on Jaanus Ermann’s silk paintings, to learn about goosanders and stories about birds in Kihnu dialect with the help of Mark Soosaar’s videofilms. Our very dear song maker, immortal Kihnu Virve introduces us to the kassipeaga kanakull (the name for all owls by Kihnu islanders) and õigõ piästlik (barn swallow– our national bird).

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