XXXI Nude Art Exhibition
SOS – Save Our Souls!
Again we have reached the point where thousands of humans are killed by their own species. We learn little from history and do not want to know about the force of nature. Our exhibition this summer is inspired by a wish to remember two most tragic shipwrecks on the Baltic Sea.
80 years ago more than 3 000 men, women, children drowned onboard Moero which left Tallinn on September, 21, 1944. The next morning the planes of the Soviet planes spotted the ship about 20 miles from the coast of Latvia and shot it, so it drowned.
30 years ago on September, 27, the ferry Estonia set sail from the port of Tallinn. After midnight the ship encountered an unprecedented storm which damaged the visor. There were around 1 000 people aboard of whom only 137 reached back home.
On both ships there were people who are still missing. Can we keep their souls alive until until we meet again on the other side? Or shall we go on believing in miracles which have brought back the dear souls of coastal people to earthly life before?
Hope is born again every spring, declares the ancient wisdom of the British…
We composed the exhibition from the artworks of authors from America and Europe: Jose Maria Ansalone (Argentina), Ana Maria Lorenzen (Chili), Elina Brotherus, Viggo Wallensköld (Finland), Odd Nerdrum, Helene Knoop (Norway), Mark Sadan (USA), Ilona Januliene (Lithuania), Maija Purgale (Latvia), Rafal Olbinski (Poland), Marina Škarupa, Anatoli Varvarov, Ivan Tsupka, Vadõm Ištšenko (Ukraine), Ashot Jegikjan (Armenia), Jüri Arrak, Jaan Paavle, Silva Eher, Peeter Mudist, Johanna Mudist, Mall Nukke, Philiph Arvo Luik, Saskia Järve, Kalli Kalde, Heli Tuksam, Anu Muiste, Ulvi Oro, Eve Valper, Anna Kõuhkna, Ruth Huimerind, Eve Kruuse, Ly Kaalma, Erki Kannus, Einar Vene, Sirje Piir, Silvi Lepparu, Ingmar Roomets, Maret Suurmets-Kuura, Tõnu Noorits, Lola Tehver, Katrin Rüütli (Estonia).
Mark Soosaar
Curator of the XXXI nude art exhibition