Triinu Pungits MARILYN

Exhibition MEANINGS

MEANINGS Carpets from the methodological fund of the Pallas Textile Department at the Museum of New Art.


The exhibition MEANINGS opens the door to the farthest reaches of the methodological fund of the Pallas Textile Department and introduces a selection of tapestries made during twenty-five years. For the first time in April 2021, the exhibition was held in the gallery Pallas behind closed doors due to restrictions, and later it was possible to see it in the Museum of New Art.

The tapestry course is in the third academic year of the Pallas textile curriculum, and each time new students start with a different topic. More than half of the studies have been completed by this time, and experience in working with composition, paint, and material have been accumulated quite a lot. In this way, in addition to getting to know the tapestry technique, the artist can focus on the meaning and message and find a suitable way to express it. Along with the course papers, several dissertations are also represented at the exhibition. Tapestries have reached people and events that are important to the authors, meetings and dialogues, home or hometown experience. The main character in the works is primarily the author himself, being a participant in the picture, sometimes visible and sometimes invisible.

At the Museum of New Art, viewers also have the opportunity to take a closer look at a selection of works, discover the hidden meanings of the material and become familiar with the authors’ handwritings, and see changes in themes and design opportunities over twenty-five years. Many of the authors are well-known authors today. There is an extensive exhibition at the Pallas Gallery in Tartu. Andero Kalju has made a video tour of it, and you can watch it here:ähendused

Professor Aet Ollisaar has supervised tapestry studies over the years, the masters of the department Kaire Saan (Kukk), Veinika Västrik, Liina Kool, and Marju Roos have contributed to the completion of the works.

The designer of the exhibition is Madis Liplap.
The curators of the exhibition are Aet Ollisaar and Madis Liplap.

Additional information:
Professor Aet Ollisaar
Head of the textile department at the Pallas College of Art
+372 506 7281


About the exhibition in the media:


Eesti Päevaleht, 25.05.2021

SIRP, 24.05.2021

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