

"Time to be born, time to die," says King Solomon on Peeter Mudist's painting "King on a Stone". Mortals are born only once, immortals again and again every year. So the Son of God Jesus Christ. As the child of God he is born about the time of winter s ...

Triinu Pungits MARILYN

Exhibition MEANINGS

MEANINGS Carpets from the methodological fund of the Pallas Textile Department at the Museum of New Art. 26.05-29.06.2021 The exhibition MEANINGS opens the door to the farthest reaches of the methodological fund of the Pallas Textile Department and introd ...



29.11.2020-14.02.2021 Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumi näitus "TERE HOMMIKUST, VALGEVENE" vaatab sügavale valgevene rahva hinge. Ja aitab ärkamisaja päikesel trellide tagant välja tulla. Kogu väljapanek on koostatud  Uue Kunsti Muuseumi  kollektsiooni ...